Monday, February 6, 2012

Me, Myself, and I

I am not a poet

My name is Jake McCabe
I am Irish
Some say I'm a babe
That's just being modest
Just kidding
I'm not that cocky
But instead of drinking
I play hockey.

I'm not a minority
I get along with some
especially girls in a sorority
because I don't look like a bum
I'm not your average Scot
I play hockey and stay sober
Instead of taking shots
I watch others fall over

My family doesn't drink
Even though we're Scotts
So don't raise a stink
Go sit back on your cots

Scottish and Irish
It's a cool combo
Take away beer
Give everyone a nacho

...That was terrible. I know.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Not terrible, just creatively personalized! Although you didn't exactly follow the flowing format of the example poem, you have truly made this poem your own. I think your effort to rhyme, entertaining content, and voice make up for a bit of the description that could be found lacking. Overall you've pretty much met all five Cs, nice job! :)
