Monday, February 27, 2012

Treatment and Care Through Art

This article is a Q&A on children with chronic mental illness.  The NIMH is the National Institute for Mental Health and they are the host of this article.  The questions have a lot to do with diagnosis and the long term effects on the family and child of course.  What I found most interesting was the section on treatments other than medication.  The answers said that talk therapy and other techniques that involve the mind to become active were great ways for victims to continue to have an active mind.  Art and music were both listed.  They said a great way to help out kids would be to become engaged in arts and crafts with a group.

PATCH is a national organization that has a FGCU branch.  Students are able to participate and or donate to the organization that hosts kids with mental disabilities and allows them to show off their creative side.  A way that I could make a difference other than just giving them money would be to join and actually participate in their activities.  I would help this great organization make a difference in just a few kids lives.  This club/organization is not meant to draw a profit, they are simply here to make a difference.

1 comment:

  1. This speaks so strongly to me. I am an artist, looking for a career path into Creative Art Therapy, so I have a very strong connection to your topic. I'm really excited to know that FGCU has PATCH, and definitely intend on volunteering with them!

    Thank you for posting this!
