Monday, February 20, 2012

Apple's Chinese Tactics

"A Trip into the iFactory: "Nightline" Gets an Unprecedented Glimpse Inside Apple's Chinese Core" by ABC News' Bill Weir, is an article on what was seen we entering the highly controversial Foxconn supplier that makes many of Apple's products.  Recent debate on the ethical treatment of the workers had shed some negative light on the dominant company. The reason for the publicity is the rate of suicides committed by the workers.  The workers were seen working 13-15 hours a day, as young as 13 years old.  This treatment of the workers questions the success of the company.  The author wonders if it worth being so successful if you treat people that way.  I believe "No sacrifice, no victory".  I think that demands of the product are so high that Apple doesn't have a choice but to use such a tactic.  Apple is handling this correctly and doing what they can to make things better.


  1. I agree with you to an extent, they can't seem so relaxed about it though. They at least have to make it seem like they are trying to fix this problem. Otherwise, I like the topic you chose and it was very clear to me.

  2. Well I think everyone has a right to their opinion...but I think yours is wrong. How do you go saying its okay for labor laws to be passed by and how is okay for a 13 year old to be working in a factory? If their not ethically treating their workers, no wonder the workers are committing suicide. If I worked that much and was miserable, I'd probably off myself too. They obviously need to do something because the fact that people in America "need" their precision apple products is not a good enough reason for bad working conditions.
    --Taylor Carlson

  3. It is terrible that they are making kids as young as 13 years old to work for 13 to 15 hours a day. These working conditions would lead workers to negative outcomes. Even though it is a high demanded item it does not mean you can put workers in terrible situations.

  4. Jake, I read some about this issue and how employees at apple were committing suicide. I think that the working hours for the workers should be reduced and it is ridiculous to have have a 13 year old working in a factory. In the article I read the company was going to improve the situation. They planed on putting the workers in a rotation so that they would be doing different job, they would also do more group work so that people did feel totally isolated, so Apple is doing something to change this.

  5. I heard the interview with Bill Weir on NPR and I can't say I agree with you that Apple doesn't have a choice. Your response section lacked support for your claim.
