Monday, February 13, 2012

Sally of Malaysia

Sally is a mother of three kids from Malaysia.  Two of those children are still in school.  Sally started up her own business in 2007, a station and general store.  Her husband is an employee of her company, so all income for her family is based off the success of her business.  The store has started out successful but they are in need of more money to keep a solid inventory.  Sally is hoping that this loan will keep the business going and help put her kids through more schooling.  She is looking to, in the future, start up a new kiosk.  

Sally has proven that she has the attitude to maintain a successful business just by being strong enough to start one.  Giving money to Sally would not only help her personally but would solidify a future for her children.  The future is so important to us as a human race, so deciding to help stimulate a child's life would be just a self rewarding.  Sally has shown us that she can handle the business, she just needs help over her first bump in the road.  I believe that Sally's mind is in the right spot and that she is completely focused on her goal of putting her kids through a better education.  

Kiva is a great way to get involved in the world.  Just by visiting this site ( and making a small donation, you can change the lives of many.  If it doesn't change your life as well, then you will at least be a part of something great overseas.  


  1. Convincing, the situation is terrible try to manage an income with 3 kids and having the husband as an employee. This would defiantly be a top choice to be one to pick for the donation.

  2. Convincing is right! You've not only summarized the situation concisely, you've painted a picture of Sally's life that readers will feel empathy rather than sympathy for, which will make opening their wallets even easier. Great job addressing your audience throughout! You've mastered all 5Cs in this post!
