Monday, February 27, 2012

Treatment and Care Through Art

This article is a Q&A on children with chronic mental illness.  The NIMH is the National Institute for Mental Health and they are the host of this article.  The questions have a lot to do with diagnosis and the long term effects on the family and child of course.  What I found most interesting was the section on treatments other than medication.  The answers said that talk therapy and other techniques that involve the mind to become active were great ways for victims to continue to have an active mind.  Art and music were both listed.  They said a great way to help out kids would be to become engaged in arts and crafts with a group.

PATCH is a national organization that has a FGCU branch.  Students are able to participate and or donate to the organization that hosts kids with mental disabilities and allows them to show off their creative side.  A way that I could make a difference other than just giving them money would be to join and actually participate in their activities.  I would help this great organization make a difference in just a few kids lives.  This club/organization is not meant to draw a profit, they are simply here to make a difference.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Apple's Chinese Tactics

"A Trip into the iFactory: "Nightline" Gets an Unprecedented Glimpse Inside Apple's Chinese Core" by ABC News' Bill Weir, is an article on what was seen we entering the highly controversial Foxconn supplier that makes many of Apple's products.  Recent debate on the ethical treatment of the workers had shed some negative light on the dominant company. The reason for the publicity is the rate of suicides committed by the workers.  The workers were seen working 13-15 hours a day, as young as 13 years old.  This treatment of the workers questions the success of the company.  The author wonders if it worth being so successful if you treat people that way.  I believe "No sacrifice, no victory".  I think that demands of the product are so high that Apple doesn't have a choice but to use such a tactic.  Apple is handling this correctly and doing what they can to make things better.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Sally of Malaysia

Sally is a mother of three kids from Malaysia.  Two of those children are still in school.  Sally started up her own business in 2007, a station and general store.  Her husband is an employee of her company, so all income for her family is based off the success of her business.  The store has started out successful but they are in need of more money to keep a solid inventory.  Sally is hoping that this loan will keep the business going and help put her kids through more schooling.  She is looking to, in the future, start up a new kiosk.  

Sally has proven that she has the attitude to maintain a successful business just by being strong enough to start one.  Giving money to Sally would not only help her personally but would solidify a future for her children.  The future is so important to us as a human race, so deciding to help stimulate a child's life would be just a self rewarding.  Sally has shown us that she can handle the business, she just needs help over her first bump in the road.  I believe that Sally's mind is in the right spot and that she is completely focused on her goal of putting her kids through a better education.  

Kiva is a great way to get involved in the world.  Just by visiting this site ( and making a small donation, you can change the lives of many.  If it doesn't change your life as well, then you will at least be a part of something great overseas.  

Monday, February 6, 2012

Me, Myself, and I

I am not a poet

My name is Jake McCabe
I am Irish
Some say I'm a babe
That's just being modest
Just kidding
I'm not that cocky
But instead of drinking
I play hockey.

I'm not a minority
I get along with some
especially girls in a sorority
because I don't look like a bum
I'm not your average Scot
I play hockey and stay sober
Instead of taking shots
I watch others fall over

My family doesn't drink
Even though we're Scotts
So don't raise a stink
Go sit back on your cots

Scottish and Irish
It's a cool combo
Take away beer
Give everyone a nacho

...That was terrible. I know.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Shot 'em Up Over Color

The article titled "Racial Motive Seen in Mississippi Shooting" was posted in the New York Times in 1996.  This article describes and event that occurred involving a busy, mainly black shopping center, and Larry Wayne Shoemake.  Larry Shoemake was a 53 year old man who was found dead after he fired and approximate 100 shots into a crowded shopping center.  He killed one and injured five.  He died in the fire that he set of the shopping center.  This neo-nazi white supremacist was found dead with an AK-47, MAC-11, AR-15 and a 12 gauge shotgun laying next to him. 

I found this article disturbing because of the level of hatred showed in his actions.  I find it hard to believe that one man could hate a group of people so much, that he would think that it would be a good idea to go shoot up a shopping center.  It makes me sick thinking about this man and what must have been going on in his head.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Wisconsin's Big Five

I have lived in Wisconsin for the past five years.  I have realized that the Big Five in Wisconsin has not changed since I have arrived here.  The Big Five in Wisconsin, in my opinion, is the Deer, Raccoon, Turkey, Cow, and Bear.  These 5 animals are seen almost everyday except the Bear.  The Bear is popular because of the hunting up in the northern part of the state.  Deer, Raccoon, Turkey and Cow are seen by Wisconsinites everyday and on multiple occasions.