Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Lacking Originality

The article about plagiarism in the New York Times was an article meant to alert people about this wrong doing.  The beginning of the article is filled with different acts of plagiarism around college campuses.  They article shows that today's college students do not believe that plagiarism is a big deal.  The percentage of people who believe in this problem has been decreasing.  We continue to hear more about the simplicity of plagiarism and how quickly it can be done.  With today technology, a full ten page paper is only a few clicks away.  So most college students are resorting to that technique of writing papers.  Plagiarism is an issue that has shown up many times in a variety of different works.  A book was found with segments from other works and the author of the book made an excuse for it.  The author of this article took no sympathy.  Plagiarism is plagiarism and that is that.  

I have never plagiarized intentionally, but we all have used others words without giving them credit.  I believe that plagiarism is a major issue but I believe some people overreact to the situation.  I believe that there should be a universal amount of plagiarism aloud.  This would cause a huge debate.  

1 comment:

  1. Nice title, great graphic, and comprehensive summary and response to the article. You needed to refer to the article in your first sentence and provide a live link to it for your readers. You have some micro errors, too (allowed not aloud, with today's technology not with today technology, others' words not others words.
    You pose an interesting idea to allow a certain percentage of plagiarized work. What would that be? 10% 20% 30%????
    In what cases do you think people overact to a plagiarized situation?
    Would you want people to take any of your writing and not credit you with it? Why can't people agree to share their work or allow others to modify it like Creative Commons and Wikipedia do? Isn't this the solution to the problem of taking someone's work? If I give permission for you to use my work, this would avoid plagiarism cases, wouldn't it? People who use other people's work should get permission from those people to use that work, don't you think?
