Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Lacking Originality

The article about plagiarism in the New York Times was an article meant to alert people about this wrong doing.  The beginning of the article is filled with different acts of plagiarism around college campuses.  They article shows that today's college students do not believe that plagiarism is a big deal.  The percentage of people who believe in this problem has been decreasing.  We continue to hear more about the simplicity of plagiarism and how quickly it can be done.  With today technology, a full ten page paper is only a few clicks away.  So most college students are resorting to that technique of writing papers.  Plagiarism is an issue that has shown up many times in a variety of different works.  A book was found with segments from other works and the author of the book made an excuse for it.  The author of this article took no sympathy.  Plagiarism is plagiarism and that is that.  

I have never plagiarized intentionally, but we all have used others words without giving them credit.  I believe that plagiarism is a major issue but I believe some people overreact to the situation.  I believe that there should be a universal amount of plagiarism aloud.  This would cause a huge debate.  

Monday, September 19, 2011

My First Real Six String

A khaki colored head is the base of the instrument.  The outline of head makes a peanut shape with a hole in the middle of object.  The opening leads to the inside of the hollow peanut. This area is where all of the beautiful sounds of the guitar occur.  The sounds resonates inside the object and creates a low, humming noise that when combined with different notes, creates chords in which a voice can be put to.  Extending off the head is a long piece of wood that holds the six strings in which the guitarist strums.  The six strings are made of soft metal that bends with the hand that strums them.  The long neck has little bars the stretch across it vertically.  These frets connect with the strings and adjusts the tone of the chord. An amazing instrument can only be used by a skilled musician.  The instrument is only as good as the artist using it.  When you find a combination of a beautiful guitar and musician, the music created could melt your heart.  

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hersey's Kiss

The Hersey's Kiss is the epitome of satisfaction.  The Hershey's Kiss starts out as a liquid that looks like a very thick puddle of mud just after a storm.  The substance is transformed into a solid like holds the shape of a pyramid with beautiful curves.  The elegant figure is wrapped in a wrapper that resembles diamonds.  The skin tight cover is topped off with a lovely white tail, the signature feature of the candy.  When it is opened and consumed by a consumer the feeling is inevitably great.  The smooth chocolate grazes the taste buds and sends a tingly feeling down your throat.  The best part is that that feeling can continue as long you eat more.