Monday, January 30, 2012

Shot 'em Up Over Color

The article titled "Racial Motive Seen in Mississippi Shooting" was posted in the New York Times in 1996.  This article describes and event that occurred involving a busy, mainly black shopping center, and Larry Wayne Shoemake.  Larry Shoemake was a 53 year old man who was found dead after he fired and approximate 100 shots into a crowded shopping center.  He killed one and injured five.  He died in the fire that he set of the shopping center.  This neo-nazi white supremacist was found dead with an AK-47, MAC-11, AR-15 and a 12 gauge shotgun laying next to him. 

I found this article disturbing because of the level of hatred showed in his actions.  I find it hard to believe that one man could hate a group of people so much, that he would think that it would be a good idea to go shoot up a shopping center.  It makes me sick thinking about this man and what must have been going on in his head.